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Yoda Labs Monthly Recap

Game on for Web3 in August!

Master of Gaming Research

As August draws to a close, we’ve been awash in an array of astonishing advancements. Amazon partnered with Oasys for an ambitious hackathon and collaborated with Polygon’s Mojo Melee to offer NFTs to avid Prime subscribers. Meanwhile, Gala Games joined forces with Elixir whilst Immutable and Polygon began public testing of their ZKEVM. Not to be overshadowed, Ultra Arena launched its own blockchain, while the Ronin chain made significant advancements. One of the most anticipated events of the year, Gamescom 2023, covered by Yoda. And with the advent of Social sign-on for Web3, it’s apparent that this month has been overwhelmingly bullish. Who said there is a bear market?

Also in our monthly round-up:

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