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  3. Ragnarok Coming to Ronin, Immutable Partners with Octavian Studios, Anomaly AI L3 Gaming Platform is here

Ragnarok Coming to Ronin, Immutable Partners with Octavian Studios, Anomaly AI L3 Gaming Platform is here

Wise Yoda
Wise Yoda

As April springs into full flow, playtests are plentiful. My Neighbour Alice launches Beta Season 1. Axie Bounty Board and its Playto-Rice campaign is underway. Spellbourne pre-season event is in motion as is NFT Rivals Bench Press Part 4. Faraland hosting a PvP tournament for The Era of Legionnaire. TikTok’s parent company partners with Mysten Labs. Xai launches its staking pools. Anomaly launches AI-powered L3 gaming platform, with Telegram’s 900M daily active users in sight. Max level Studios is integrating AI character creation into MMORPG Uldor. Param Labs appoints former Activision Blizzard head to the board. Doo-Key Dash builders to acquire the Legends of The Mara and HV-MTL brands from Yuga labs and Azuro raises $11M.

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